2021 Scholarship Golf Tournament

  • 18 Oct 2021
  • 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Eagle Nest Golf Course


  • Each golfer must fill out a separate form.

Registration is closed

2021 Alabama Society of Professional Land Surveyors

All Surveyors, Engineers, Members, Non-Members, Vendors, and Friends are invited to join the fun!
All proceeds from the Golf Tournament will go to the ASPLS Scholarship Fund.
Monday, October 18, 2021 – Eagle Nest Golf Course at Lake Guntersville State Park
Tee Time: 10:00 a.m. - Modified Shotgun

4 – Player Scramble (you do not need a handicap)
Awards as follows: Longest Drive, Longest Putt and Closest to the Pin

Dear Fellow Golfer:

The ASPLS Scholarship Golf Tournament in Guntersville, Alabama (Lake Guntersville State Park) is just over two months away.

This year it will be held at Eagle Nest Golf Course on Monday, October 18th at 10:00 a.m. We are expecting a large crowd, so please send in your application and money early or register using the button on this page.

If you have any friends, business acquaintances, family members or anyone else that would like to play, sign them up. Let me know if you need any additional registration forms or directions to the course.

If you know of anyone who would like to donate prizes or sponsor a hole, (not through the conference sponsorship levels) have them contact me. We need additional sponsors.

Also, if you have any preference of playing partners, please let me know and I will try to accommodate you in the pairing.

Remember, the money goes to a good cause and we always have a great time.

Any questions, call: 256-766-1051 or 256-762-1967; Fax: 256-766-1201; Email: wlcasso@aol.com

Rick Collins

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