
Revised October 19, 2016



Recognizing that the true merit of a profession is determined by the value of its services to society, the “Alabama Society of Professional Land Surveyors” does hereby dedicate itself to the promotion and protection of the profession of Land Surveying as a social economic influence vital to the welfare of society, community, and state.


SECTION 1 – The name of this organization shall be the “Alabama Society of Professional Land Surveyors.” It shall hereinafter be called the Society.

SECTION 2 –The headquarters of the Society shall be located at such place as may be designated by the Board of Directors of the Society.   


SECTION 1 – The objectives of this Society shall be:

(1)           To advance the study of Land Surveying and the education of Land Surveyors.

(2)           To promote the common good and welfare of its members and activities in the profession of Land Surveying.

(3)           To foster high standards of professional ethics and practice.

(4)           To discourage unethical and illegal practices and professional abuses in Land Surveying.

(5)           To promote public knowledge, faith and reliance in the Registered Land Surveyors and their work.

(6)           To aid and encourage the interest of the Junior Members of the organization.

(7)           To establish better relations between the Land Surveyors and other professions interested in Land Surveying.

(8)           To foster and support legislation generally beneficial to the profession and the state of Alabama, its subdivisions, and to the public.

(9)           To promote closer relations, understanding, and cooperation within the profession.

(10)         This Society in all its activities and in its membership shall be non-political, non-partisan, and non-sectarian.


Membership in the Society shall be of the following grades and classifications:

SECTION 1 – MEMBER:  Any Registered Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Alabama.

SECTION 2 – ASSOCIATE MEMBER: Any Registered Professional Engineer or Registered Professional Land Surveyor in another state.

SECTION 3 – AFFILIATE MEMBER: Survey Technicians : those whose employment is in or directly related to the surveying profession, and students of Civil engineering or Land Surveying fields who are enrolled in and attending a college or university.

SECTION 4 – FELLOW MEMBER: Any person of excellent character and distinguished Land Surveying achievements who has been a Professional Land Surveyor, actively engaged in Land Surveying for at least twenty years and a member of this Society for at least ten years, may be elected a FELLOW MEMBER of the Society by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors of the Society. The number of Fellow Members of the Society shall not exceed FIVE percent of the total membership of the Society in the membership year preceding the making of a nomination for “Fellow”. Nominations for the Grade of “FELLOW” shall be made by members of the Board of Directors, only.

SECTION 5 – SUSTAINING MEMBER: Any person, firm, association, company, corporation, institution, or individual who wishes to promote the objectives of the Society (as described in Article II, Section 1).

SECTION 6 – LIFE MEMBER: Any member who has achieved acknowledged eminence in the Profession of Land Surveying, has rendered outstanding service to the profession and to the Society and has been a member in good standing of the Society for five consecutive years may, upon nomination by a member of the Board of Directors, be elected a LIFE MEMBER by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 7 – RETIRED MEMBER: Any member retired from the active practice of Land Surveying who has been a member of the Society for at least five years continuously prior to retirement. To qualify for the grade of “RETIRED MEMBER” one must have attained official retired status as defined by the U. S. Social Security Administration regulations, and shall file a letter requesting RETIRED MEMBER status, certifying compliance with the requirements of said Social Security Regulations.

SECTION 8 – HONORARY MEMBER: The Board of Directors shall be empowered to designate as an Honorary member, any person of good report and character that has rendered special and valuable service or services to the Society of such an extent as to warrant, in the opinion of the Board, the extension of such a recognition. Honorary members shall be voted upon annually by the Board; honorary membership to expire coincidentally with the normal membership anniversary.

SECTION 9 – The Board of Directors of the Society shall adopt and supply to each classification of membership in the Society, upon admission or advancement from one classification of membership to another, a suitable Certificate of Membership.

SECTION 10 – Dues and dues policies shall be established by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 11 – Full VOTING PRIVILEGES shall be accorded to Members, Life Members, Retired Members, and Fellow Members only. All rights and privileges pertaining to membership in the Society shall be accorded to All Members of the Society, regardless of classification, except as to Voting Privileges. Members, Life Members, Retired Members, and Fellow Members shall be eligible to hold office in the Society.


SECTION 1 – The Officers of the Society shall consist of

A President

A President-Elect

A Vice-President

A Secretary-Treasurer

An American Congress on Surveying & Mapping - National Society of Professional Land Surveyors Liaison Officer, to be known in this Society as “THE NSPS DIRECTOR” for the Society all of whom shall be elected by the Members.

SECTION 2 – The Board of Directors of the Society shall be constituted as follows:

The President, who shall be Chairman;

The President-Elect, who shall be Vice Chairman;

The Vice President, who shall be Second Vice Chairman;

The Secretary-Treasurer, who in addition to being Secretary of the Society shall also be Secretary of the Board of Directors;

the “NSPS Director,”

the Immediate Past President; and

the nine Directors, each of whom shall be elected by and from his/her respective District of the nine Districts.

SECTION 3 – Terms for office of the officers elected by ballot shall be One year; except for the Directors whose terms of office shall normally be Two years, and the NSPS Director, whose term of office shall be Three years; or until their successors in office have been duly elected and qualified.

SECTION 4 – The President-Elect and Vice President shall not be eligible for election for more than one consecutive term of office. The NSPS Director shall not serve more than six consecutive years. There shall be no restriction as to re-election of the Secretary-Treasurer nor the nine Directors.

SECTION 5 – A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the President-Elect during the unexpired term of the President and the next full term for which the President-Elect had been elected. A vacancy in the office of the President-Elect may remain vacant during the unexpired term of that office. A vacancy in the office of Vice President shall be filled by an election by the Board of Directors of one of the members of the Board. In case of disability, removal from the state, or neglect in the performance of his duty by an officer of this Society, the Board of Directors shall have the power to declare the office vacant. A vacancy in any office except that of President-Elect shall be filled for the unexpired term by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at the meeting of the Board at which the vacancy is declared to exist, or at the next meeting of the Board of Directors, at such time and place as the Board deems appropriate, it shall be the duty of the President to declare that a vacancy exists.

SECTION 6 – The areas of the districts to be represented by the nine Directors shall be fixed by the Board of Directors as specified in the By-Laws of the Society.   


SECTION 1 – The management of the Society’s business and fiscal affairs shall be vested in the Board of Directors who shall have complete authority to act for the Society; being restricted in its action only by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society. For the purpose of this Constitution, the Board of Directors includes the nine Directors, President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, Immediate Past President and NSPS Director of the Society.

SECTION 2 – Executive Director: The Board of Directors may employ an Executive Director, who shall be directly responsible to the Board of Directors, the President and to the Secretary-Treasurer. The Executive will manage the adminstrative affairs of the Society pursuant to the directions of the President and the Board of Directors and shall maintain records as specified.

SECTION 3 – The Board of Directors shall hold at least three meetings annually, at such times and places as it may designate, for the transaction of Society business. Special Board Meetings may be called at any time or place by the President or a majority of the Board Members.

SECTION 4 – Five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and they shall be governed by a simple majority vote, unless otherwise stipulated in the Constitution or By-Laws.


SECTION 1 – The Society shall hold one regular meeting each year which shall be known as the “Annual Meeting.” It shall be held at such time and place as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 2 – The Board of Directors may call and hold such additional meetings of the Society as it may deem wise and expedient.

SECTION 3 – Special Meetings of the Society may be called by the President. The call for such meetings shall be issued ten days in advance, and shall state the purpose thereof. 


SECTION 1 – The management and actions of the Society shall be subject to the By-Laws adopted by the Society.

SECTION 2 – The By-Laws shall provide the manner of admission to and expulsion from the Society, the manner of nomination and election of officers, the detailed duties of officers and standing committees, the amounts of Fees and Dues and other features pertinent to the proper operation of the Society.


SECTION 1 – Constitution. Petitions for proposed amendments to the Constitution must be in writing, signed by at least ten members of the Society and presented to the Secretary at least 45 days prior to the date of the next Annual Meeting. The Secretary shall send copies of all proposed amendments to all members of the Society at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting. Such proposed amendments shall be in order for discussion at said meeting, and may be amended in any manner pertinent to the original proposals by a majority vote at such meeting. The proposed amendments, in their original form if not amended, or, if amended, in their amended form, shall then be approved or disapproved by a majority vote of those members present and voting.

SECTION 2 – By-Laws. Petitions for proposed amendments to the By-Laws must be in writing, signed by not less than five Members of the Society and presented to the Secretary-Treasurer at least 45 days prior to the date of the next Annual Meeting. The Executive Director under the direction of the Secretary-Treasurer shall post the proposed amendments on the Society’s website and send an electronic announcement of such posting to all members of the Society at least 45 days prior to the Annual Meeting. The notice will inform the members that they may visit the Society’s website, view the proposed amendments to the By-Laws (the original proposal), and must attend the Annual Meeting in order to vote on the original proposal. The notice will also inform members that they may offer amendments to the original proposal by submitting them in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer no less than 10 days prior to the Annual Meeting. Such proposed amendments shall be in order for discussion at said meeting. No other amendments to the original proposal will be allowed at the Annual Meeting. The proposed amendments, in their original form if not amended, or, if amended, in their amended form, shall then be approved or disapproved by a majority vote of those members present and eligible to vote at said Annual Meeting.

SECTION 3 – Amendments to the Constitution or the By-Laws proposed by the Resolutions and By-Laws Committee through the Board of Directors may be processed as stated in Sections 1 and 2 above, the requirement for signatures being excepted.


SECTION 1 – The Secretary-Treasurer shall be bonded by a Surety Company authorized to do business in the State of Alabama in the amount of $25,000.00. The premium on such bond shall be borne by the Society.

SECTION 2 – The funds of the Society shall be deposited by the Secretary-Treasurer in a Bank or Trust company in the State of Alabama whose deposits are insured under the provision of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act.


SECTION 1 – The state of Alabama shall be divided into nine (9) districts for the purposes of representation, elections and other purposes as set forth in the constitution. The Board of Directors is responsible for determining district boundaries and proper representation.

SECTION 2 – Members shall be assigned to the district in which they reside unless they request assignment to the district in which they primarily practice but in no case to more than one district.


SECTION 1 – To aid and assist in carrying out the objectives and purposes of the Society, the Society will recognize the formation of Local Chapters of the Society in any city, county or group of counties in the State.

SECTION 2 – A minimum of six (6) members of the Society shall be required to form a local chapter. Such groups shall petition the Board in writing, and if the Board approves, these members may form, subject to the Constitution of the Society, a local Chapter to carry out more effectively the aims of the Society.

SECTION 3 – The primary purpose of local chapters shall be to promote the objectives of the Society.

SECTION 4 – Local chapters shall adopt the Society’s Constitution. The Society Board of Directors shall develop guidelines for the operation of all chapters.

SECTION 5 – All members of chapters are required to be members of the Alabama Society of Professional Land Surveyors.

SECTION 6 - The Board of Directors by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of those in attendance at a Board of Directors meeting, may revoke the charter of a chapter. 


Revised October 19, 2016



PARAGRAPH 1 The Board of Directors shall determine the program and nature of business of all meetings unless otherwise provided in the Constitution or By-Laws. The President shall appoint a special committee for the purpose of preparing the program for the Annual Meeting.

PARAGRAPH 2 The President shall call special meetings of the Society when authorized to do so as provided in Article VI, Section 3, of the Constitution.


PARAGRAPH 1 The latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall be accepted by the Society as final authority on all questions of parliamentary law.   

PARAGRAPH 2 The order of business for the Annual Meeting shall be as follows:

1. Reading of minutes of the previous Annual Meeting.

2. President’s Address which shall include the annual report of the activities of the Board of Directors and such recommendations as he may desire to make to the Society.

3. Report of the Secretary-Treasurer.

4. Report of the Standing Committees.

5. Report of Special Committees.

6. Announcement of election of new members.

7. Unfinished business.

8. New business.

9. Technical papers and discussions.

10. Announcement of election and installation of officers for the ensuing year.

11. Adjournment. 


PARAGRAPH 1 The Nominating Committee as prescribed in Article V, Section 3, of By-Laws, shall prepare and submit to the Secretary-Treasurer, at least 90 days prior to the date of the Annual Meeting, a list of proposed Officers and Directors, to be voted on in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws. The candidates for the offices of President-Elect, Vice-President, NSPS Director and Secretary-Treasurer shall be from the area at large. Directors shall be elected by and from his/her respective Districts. The Committee shall secure a statement from each of the proposed candidates that they will serve if elected, before they shall be placed in nomination. Only members who are in good standing and whose dues are currently paid are eligible for nomination.

PARAGRAPH 2 The Nominating Committee shall endeavor to nominate for office those who have served on committees or on the Board of Directors. It shall also give due consideration to the geographical distribution of the candidates so that insofar as is practicable, various sections of the area shall be represented by nominees.

PARAGRAPH 3 Within 10 days after receiving from the Nominating Committee its list of proposed candidates for Officers and Directors, the Secretary-Treasurer or Executive Director shall post a copy of this list on the Society’s website and send an electronic notification of such posting to each Member of the Society.

PARAGRAPH 4 Within 20 days after posting of the proposed candidates, any ten Members of the Society may submit in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer additional nominees. If they are eligible and their nomination is accompanied with a statement from them that they are willing to be candidates, their names shall be placed on the ballots.

PARAGRAPH 5 No later than 45 days prior to the Annual Meeting of the Society, the Executive Director under the direction of the Secretary-Treasurer shall cause the final list of candidates to be posted on the Society’s website and shall prepare and send to each member eligible to vote, a notice of such posting. The notice will inform the members that they may visit the Society’s website, view the list of candidates and then may vote for the candidate of their choice (secure on-line voting). On-line voting will be available until 15 days prior to the Annual Meeting. Immediately upon termination of the on-line voting, the Secretary-Treasurer shall secure the results of such voting. The Secretary-Treasurer shall deliver the results of the on-line voting, together with a list of all eligible voters (less those who have already voted), to a Special Tellers Committee of five, appointed by the President. At the Annual Meeting the Special Tellers Committee will make available ballots for members who are eligible to vote and, for whatever reason, did not vote on line. Having collected all ballots, the Special Tellers Committee shall canvas them and the result shall be announced at the Annual Meeting. The candidates receiving the largest number of votes for each office shall be elected. In the event of a tie vote for any office, the members at the Annual Meeting shall proceed to elect such Officer or Director by ballot from the candidates so tied, a majority of the votes cast being required to elect. The Executive Director under the direction of the Secretary-Treasurer shall preserve the ballots for one year.  


PARAGRAPH 1 The President shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Society, preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Directors at which he may be present, shall select the chairman of standing committees and may appoint special committees of which he shall be ex-officio member. He shall sign all membership certificates, represent the Society upon official occasions and deliver to the Society an address at the annual meeting. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, the Society may employ an Executive Director, who may or may not be a member of the Society, who will be directly responsible to the Board of Directors, to the President, and to the Secretary and Treasurer, for the handling of routine business, correspondence, keeping membership rosters, maintaining files, and other duties as may be necessary.

PARAGRAPH 2 The President-Elect shall preside at the meetings of the Society or of the Board of Directors in the absence of the President and discharge his duties in case of a vacancy in his office. The President-Elect shall have the duties of familiarizing himself with all Society affairs and preparing himself for assuming the Presidency. He shall work under and in cooperation with the President. In the event of the death or resignation of the President during his term, he shall thereupon become President. The President-Elect will automatically assume the office of President at the end of the normal term of the outgoing President as provided in Section 3, Article IV of the constitution.

PARAGRAPH 3 The Vice-President shall preside at the meetings of the Society or of the Board of Directors in the absence of the President and President-elect and discharge the duties of the President-Elect in case of a vacancy in his office.   

PARAGRAPH 4 The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer shall be:

A. Record the minutes of all official meetings of the Society and its Board. This may be delegated to the Executive Director.

B. Review and approve the Executive Director’s and staff’s methods and system of receiving, disbursing and recording all Society funds. The Executive Director shall write the checks and the Secretary-Treasurer shall sign the checks. He shall personally certify the accuracy of all bills on which money is to be paid. All money drawn from treasury will be approved by President and Secretary/Treasurer.

C. Secure a bond, with sureties to be approved by the Board in the amount of not less than $25,000.00. The premium and said bond will be paid by the Society.

D. Perform other secretarial and treasury duties as may be assigned by the President.

PARAGRAPH 5 The NSPS Director shall represent the Society at meetings of NSPS, and as directed by the Board of Directors. If this position is vacated, the Board of Directors will appoint someone to complete the unexpired term.

PARAGRAPH 6 The Board of Directors shall have the general management of the affairs of the Society in conformity to its Constitution and By-Laws. It shall appoint all Standing Committees and may appoint Special Committees. Directly, or through its committees, it shall direct the investment and care of the funds of the Society; make disbursements and special appropriations for specific purposes; act upon applications for membership and upon expulsions as provided in these By-Laws; take measure to advance the interest of the Society; have charge and manage all properties of the Society; direct the publications of the society; and fill vacancies in unexpired terms of Officers or Directors. It shall make an annual report at the Annual Meeting. It shall hold three regular meetings annually. No member of the Board of Directors shall receive compensation for his services. If an Officer or Director fails to attend any two (2) successive regularly scheduled quarterly meetings of the Board, that position shall be considered vacant at the close of the second meeting and the Board shall fill such vacancy by appointment at the earliest possible time in keeping with the Society’s best interest. If the person vacating this position is an Officer, the Board will appoint the successor in keeping with the procedure as stated above. If the person vacating the position is a Director, the Board will appoint the successor from the appropriate district.


PARAGRAPH 1 The Board of Directors shall appoint the members of all Standing Committees and the President shall select the Chairman thereof, EXCEPT as to the Long Range Planning Committee (See SEC. 8, this Article); the Chairman of the Long Range Planning Committee shall be elected annually by the members of said committee at the first meeting of the said committee after the Annual Meeting of the society, and the name of the Chairman of the Committee shall be reported to the President and the Board of Directors immediately after his election, by the secretary of the committee.    

PARAGRAPH 2 All Standing Committees shall be composed of at least three members.

PARAGRAPH 3 The Standing Committees of the Society and their duties shall be as follows:

1. The Membership Committee shall be directly responsible for the activities of the Society concerning membership, the promotion of membership in the Society and the admission of new members. The Membership Committee shall furnish to the Board of Directors or to such officer or other individual as may be designated by the Board to receive it, a monthly report as to new members accepted into the Society.

2. The Nominating Committee shall prepare the list of candidates for office in the Society as prescribed in Article III, Section 1 and 2 of these By-Laws.

3. The Ethics Committee shall perpetuate a code of Ethics for the Society. It shall be the advisory committee to the Society and its members concerning matters of Ethics. It shall make studies of and recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning the expulsion of any member.

4. The Legislative Committee shall thoroughly familiarize itself with and keep a record of all existing legislation in the State affecting Land Surveyors and shall diligently watch for such legislation. It shall carefully study such legislation and recommend to the Board of Directors as to action on the part of the Society that this committee deems advisable. It shall study the existing laws and rules of the State and its political subdivisions concerning the registration of Land Surveyors, the practice of Land Surveying and the Plat Laws and shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors as to improvement of these laws or rules.

5. The Resolutions and By-Laws Committee shall prepare or receive all resolutions referred to the Society for consideration and shall recommend appropriate action to the Board of Directors. This Committee shall thoroughly acquaint itself with the Constitution and By-Laws and shall act as the Official interpreter thereof. It shall recommend such changes or amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws that it considers advisable.

6. The Public Relations Committee shall promote public knowledge, faith and reliance in the Professional Land Surveyors and their work. It shall recommend to the Board of Directors methods of securing better understanding, cooperation and mutual interest between the Society and other related professional organizations.

7. The Professional Practices Committee shall make recommendations as to the Standards of Practice to be adopted by the Society as well as review cases involving the compliance with standards of practice by individual members of the Society. It shall also be the advisory committee to the Society and its members concerning matters of Standards. 

  (a) The Standards of Practice for surveying in the State of Alabama shall be reviewed every two years by the Professional Practices Committee.  The Committee will compile any and all recommendation from all of ASPLS members and other Licensed Surveyors licensed to practice Land Surveying in the State of Alabama.  The recommendations shall be given to the ASPLS Executive Director for safe keeping until such time the Committee meets to review.  The Committee, every two years, will review and vet all recommendations and present the approved recommendations to the Board for consideration at the summer conference.  Once approved by the board all proposed revisions will be presented to the membership no later than 10 business day from the date of the board meeting for comments and approval.  All comments, approvals, oppositions or amendments shall be presented back to the Board in writing within 10 business days of the Annual Board Meeting for consideration.  All comments, approvals, oppositions or amendments will then be compiled and reviewed by the Board for final consideration. At the end of the meeting the board shall vote on the final revision(s).  If no recommendations are received from the membership no action need be taken.

PARAGRAPH 4 - Standing Committees, and such Special Committees as may be appointed by the Board, shall be subject to the Board of Directors in all their actions.

PARAGRAPH 5 - All Standing Committees shall render a report of their actions and recommendations at the Annual Meeting as provided in Article II of these By-Laws. A copy of this report shall be submitted to the Board of Directors through the Secretary-Treasurer at least fifteen days prior to the opening date of the Annual Meeting.

PARAGRAPH 6 Special committees for stated specific purposes may be appointed by the Society, by the President or by the Board of Directors. Their duties shall concern only that for which they were appointed and they shall report only to the person or group appointing them.

PARAGRAPH 7 The terms of office of all committees shall expire with the close of the Annual Meeting following their appointment, unless specifically extended by vote of the members of the Annual Meeting or the Board of Directors.

PARAGRAPH 8 - Long Range Planning Committee. This Committee shall be composed of: the Immediate Past President; the President Elect; the Secretary-Treasurer, the NSPS Director, a Past President selected by the Board of Directors to serve at the pleasure of the Board; and the current President as a member Ex-Officio. This Committee shall work with the other committees and shall be responsible for establishment and implementation of specific goals for the Society, thus steering the general direction of the Society.

PARAGRAPH 9 No committee or individual member of the Society is authorized to make any commitments concerning future actions of the Society, or to make expenditures on behalf of the Society or to make contracts or agreements involving payments by the Society without specific prior authorization by the Board of Directors. 


PARAGRAPH 1 An application for admission to the Society, or for transfer from one grade to another, shall be in such detail as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors and shall embody a concise statement, with dates, of the candidate’s professional training and experience. It shall be signed by the applicant and shall contain a promise to conform to the requirements of membership in all respects, if elected. Applications for membership in the Society shall be accompanied by the entrance fee and dues for the current year. Dues for the current year may be reduced by a pro-rated adjustment of the dues by quarters.

Applications for membership shall be submitted to the ASPLS Executive Director, who shall review the applications for completeness and accuracy and forward the applications to the Membership Committee. The Membership Committee shall review the applications and inform the Executive Director, at least once a month, of the names of newly approved members. New members names shall be added, by the Executive Director, to the Membership Roster.

PARAGRAPH 2 Any member who is not financially indebted to the Society may resign at any time by presenting his written resignation to the Secretary-Treasurer, who shall notify the membership in the next issue of the Society’s monthly publication and drop the member from the list in the next annual yearbook.

PARAGRAPH 3 A member of any grade in the Society may be expelled from the Society by a two-thirds vote of the entire Board of Directors for willful disregard of the Society’s principles and purposes, or for conduct detrimental to the society’s welfare, or for conviction of a crime. Such members shall receive a written copy of the charges against them and shall have the right of a hearing before the Board of Directors before final action is taken on their case. The expulsion of any member and the reason therefor shall be published in the appropriate Society publication. A person whose membership has been revoked may be reinstated only upon two-thirds majority vote of the entire Board of Directors, and the Board, before such reinstatement, shall satisfy itself that the cause for complaint has been corrected. 


PARAGRAPH 1 Dues are due by the first of December and are considered delinquent after January 10th.  If dues are paid by the seventh of October, the member will get a 10% discount off the Annual Conference rate.

PARAGRAPH 2 A member whose dues are delinquent not be entitled to receive publications or notices of the Society, except notice of the Annual Meeting, and members delinquent after March 31st shall be dropped from membership.

PARAGRAPH 3 Dues and dues policies shall be established by the Board of Directors. 

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