A new recorded version of Standards of Practice is now available that meets the state of Alabama requirement for license renewal. This course is available below.
Course Title: Alabama Standards of Practice
4 Professional Development Hours (PDHs)
Approved for Alabama & Florida. Note: this course qualifies for the state requirement for licensed land surveyors of 4 PDHs for standards of practice every 2 years.
Instructor: Jason Bailey with panel members Steve Strickland and Thomas Brooks
After registering, you will receive an email with instructions for watching the recording and submitting to receive your PDH Certificate.
Summary: An in depth lecture and attendee participation and discussion of the current Standards of Practice for Surveying in the State of Alabama effective January 1, 2025. The discussion will analyze the updates made to the Standards of Practice in 2024.
Course Title: High-Resolution Surface Mapping with Airborne LiDAR
3.5 Professional Development Hours (PDHs)
Approved for Alabama and Florida.
Instructor: Dr. Mix Xu
Summary: In this session, we will explore the fundamental principles of LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology, including how it works, data acquisition methods, and data processing techniques. We will also discuss the various applications of airborne LiDAR, such as topographic mapping, forestry management, urban planning, and disaster risk management.
Course Title: Writing Boundary Descriptions, Rules, Suggestions
3 Professional Development Hours (PDHs)
Instructor: Dick Elgin
Summary: Learn how the boundary description must succinctly, clearly, with specificity and certainty describe only one tract that neither causes nor creates gaps or overlaps. This is a high standard. In this presentation the rules, suggestions, specifications and best practices for boundary descriptions are given, along with examples.
Course Title: Surveyors Notes for Plats
Summary: A compiled set of standard plat notes that further explain what the plat shows (and doesn’t show). Notes that help defend the surveyor. Example notes provided.
Course Title: Setting GPS Control on a Project
Instructor: Robert Martin
Summary: You will learn how to process static files and adjusting your network to tighten up the project control.
Course Title: Land Surveyor Mock Trial
Instructor: Jeff Lucas
Summary: This mock trial is loosely based on the case of Dowdell v. Cotham, a case involving neighbors who for over 20 years lived in happy-peaceful-coexistence, until one of the neighbors hired a surveyor to survey his property. After that—well—let’s just say that things were never the same. This seminar will explore the world of civil litigation through a mock trial based on a real-life boundary dispute case. Through audience participation, volunteers will play the roles of attorneys, landowners, lay witnesses and expert land surveyor witnesses; the seminar leader plays the role of judge. The remainder of the audience will be divided into jury pools, each with a foreman spokesperson. The size and number of juries will be determined by the size of the remaining audience. The trial will include elements of Dowdell v. Cotham, with features of other boundary dispute cases utilized as appropriate. The trial will be held and the juries will deliberate. Following deliberation, each jury will then render their verdict, and discuss their reasoning. Each jury will be required to field questions from the trial participants and other juries, and defend their verdict. This seminar is designed to demystify the litigation process and explain the rules of engagement that will be used in court. Volunteers will be required to play the roles of the attorneys, the parties and the witnesses. OBJECTIVES: To enhance professional competency and improve practitioner’s knowledge of the law as it relates to the practice of land surveying.
Course Title: Standards of Practice for Surveying in the State of Alabama
4 Professional Development Hours (PDHs). Note: this course qualifies for the state of Alabama requirement of 4 PDHs in Standards of Practice every 2 years.
Approved for Alabama & Florida.
Instructor: Milton Denny
Summary: An in depth lecture and attendee participation and discussion of the current Standards of Practice for Surveying in the State of Alabama effective January 1, 2017. The discussion will analyze the definition of Surveying (Rule No. 1.02), Surveying Standards for field and office (Rule No. 1.03), Vertical Control and Topographic Surveys (Rule No. 1.04) and the Miscellaneous Section (Rule 1.05). The discussion will also cover the different types of surveys and the accuracy requirements for field and office work, monumentation of corners, and the preparation of legal descriptions. Attendee participation is encouraged and real world examples will be presented and discussed.
Course Title: Least Squares Adjustment
Instructor: Dr. Bill Hazelton
Summary: This workshop will discuss the basic theory supporting least squares adjustment, and what it requires for inputs to a least squares adjustment. Setting up the data for an adjustment and correctly reading the output from an adjustment will be covered, with examples. ‘Things that can go wrong’ and ‘Traps for young players’ will also be discussed, so that practitioners can avoid common flaws in least squares use.
Course Title: Filling Available Survey Positions with Technology
Summary: A course that focuses on utilizing tech tools to streamline and enhance survey position recruitment. The goal is to improve efficiency, accuracy, and reach in the hiring process.
Course Title: Being on the Witness Stand
Instructor: Thomas Brooks
Summary: The surveyor is frequently called upon to testify in court about a survey. This course is designed to help the Professional Land Surveyor prepare for court and have a concept of what to expect while in the courtroom. Understand the various ways you can be called to testify. Be able to work with a client, attorney, or Judge to prepare for court. Understanding presenting yourself in a professional manner in the court room.
Course Title: Constitutional Workshop
1 Professional Development Hour (PDH)
Note this course credit is only approved for Alabama
Summary: This course will explore the details of current constitution and by-laws of the Alabama Society of Professional Land Surveyors. It will discuss how the society helps to promote best practices among the surveying professionals thereby protecting the pubic. If will also discuss the future of the constitution and by-laws and possible changes. Participants will get a preview of suggested changes.
Course Title: Ethics for Surveyors
Summary: An updated presentation focusing on the different types of ethical issues facing surveyors. This fulfills the state requirement for licensed land surveyors of 1 hour of Ethics classes each year.
Executive Director: Jim Ranieri 3416 Primm Lane Birmingham, AL 35216
Phone: 205-824-7700 Fax: 205-823-2760 Email: aspls@primemanagement.net
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