When is a survey usually needed?

How much does a survey cost?

Selecting a surveyor?

What does the surveyor need from me?

What will a surveyor do for me?

Different types of surveys?

What if I have a complaint about a surveyor's work?

Protect your interests

Cautions for landowners

Common measurements used by Land Surveyors

Do land surveyors need business license anywhere they are working?


BEFORE title in land is transferred

BEFORE land is subdivided

BEFORE land is developed by construction of buildings, roads, fences, etc.

BEFORE a boundary dispute arises

BEFORE a building or fence is to be built near a property line

BEFORE a lot is to be conveyed from a larger tract and the lot has not been previously surveyed

See/download guide to hiring a land surveyor

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The surveyor's cost estimate will be based on the anticipated difficulty and estimated time needed to complete the project. Fees can be estimated, but the surveyor cannot predict the amount of work required to recover the necessary evidence. The amount of time required to obtain field measurements and make boundary determinations depends on the availability and proximity of the discovered evidence. The surveyor will be able to provide you with a cost estimate based upon an hourly rate, experience with similar jobs, and a general knowledge of the area, but actual costs may not be known until the project is completed. Although some companies will provide a "lump sum" for certain types of work such as mortgage inspections or foundation surveys. Make sure you check with your local surveyor before you proceed.

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Please use our online search to find a licensed surveyor.

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The purpose or type of survey.

A copy of your deed.

Any plans you have and any information about the location of existing property corners and property lines.

Brief history of ownership.

Name and address of adjacent property owners, if known.

Information about disagreements over location of property corners and property lines.

Abstract and title opinion, if available and requested by the surveyor.

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The Professional Land Surveyor will do all work in accordance with State Laws, local regulations, and the highest ethical standards.

He will, at your request:

Study your property description and show you what, in his professional opinion, the records and facts indicate the boundaries of your land to be.

Survey your property, and adjacent property if necessary, to complete his work.

Advise you if there is any defect in your land description or evidence of encroachment.

Set monuments at your property corners and mark them so they can be easily found. A record of his work is filed in his office for future reference.

Prepare a certificate of survey of your property, indicating the measurements he has made, the monuments he has placed, and any other data requested.

Help you plan and layout a subdivision into lots and streets.

File a copy of the map or plat with the appropriate office at your request or if required by law.

Locate oil and gas wells, buildings, fences, rights of way, encroachments, other possession evidence.

Inform interested parties of progress and results.

Cooperate with your attorney, realtor, banker, engineer, or architect.

Write a legal description when land is to be divided.

Supply you with as many copies of the plat or map as you may require, each bearing his certification, signature, and seal.

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Preliminary Survey: The collection of survey data on which to base studies on a proposed project or a proposed final survey.

Boundary Survey: The most common survey, it serves to locate the limits of a certain property or description.

Topographic Survey: Survey that is usually required when construction is going to take place and all improvements and utilities need to be located as well as elevations of the property.

Land Title Surveys: are obtained when a loan is being secured on a piece of property (usually commercial). Land Title Surveys are the most extensive and costly and are designed to provide comfort to the lender, Title Company, and buyer as to title issues such as easements and encroachments.

Site Planning Survey: A combination of boundary and topographic surveys with resulting plans used for designing development features such as roads, subdivisions, industrial construction, etc.

Subdivision Survey: A type of land survey in which the legal boundaries of an area are located and the area is divided into smaller parcels, streets, rights of way, and other accessories. All necessary corners or dividing lines are marked and monumented.

Construction Survey: The survey measurements made while construction is in progress to control elevation, horizontal position and dimensions, and to determine adequacy of completion.

All surveys must meet Minimum Technical Standards, which are established by the State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

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Although it is rare that any action is necessary, there are a few things to remember if you have a problem with a surveyor. Communication is the most important aspect of any disagreement. Let the surveyor know about your concerns and ask him if he is willing to meet with you and answer your questions. Many times a complaint arises when communication breaks down or comes to an impasse. Make sure that you have all of the fees and scope of work defined by contract before any work proceeds so you can avoid any problems down the road. If, after all attempts to resolve the conflict have failed, you still feel a need to file a complaint, contact the State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors and they can assist you further.

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The Land Surveyor locates the property on which improvements are planned and constructed. The land surveyor's professional services will cost less in time, worry, and expense than the cost of moving a building, relocating improvements, or defending a lawsuit in court due to a land boundary controversy. Retain a Land Surveyor before planning your development and investing funds, as a protection of your interests.

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Contact surveyor well before the survey is needed.

Don't replace markers with a post, set a post beside the marker.

Don't move or relocate markers.

Removing a survey marker is a Class C misdemeanor.

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1 Pole or Rod = 16.5 feet

1 chain = 66 feet

1 acre = 43,560 square feet

1 square acre = 208.71 feet square

1 mile = 5,280 feet (80 chains)

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The question comes up from time to time whether a land surveyor is required to have a business license in municipalities where they are performing work. ASPLS obtained an opinion from the state Attorney General stating: "A municipality may not impose a municipal license tax on engineering and/or land surveying firms not having a place of business in the municipality, but providing professional business services there, unless it can be shown that a sufficient nexus with city has been established. Stated differently, providing professional services in a city on a regular and continuing basis establishes a sufficient nexus for the imposition of a business privilege license."

You can download the full letter of the Alabama Attorney General here

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